Vitor Gabriel - Full Stack Developer

Who Am I?

About Me

I am Vitor Gabriel de Oliveira, a passionate Full Stack Developer. From a young age, I’ve been driven by the possibilities of technology and how it can solve real-world problems...

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  1. Blockchain Developer Vitor Gabriel started his journey in Front-End development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    Developing responsive interfaces with HTML5, CSS3, and vanilla JavaScript. Created simple projects focusing on design and usability, applying accessibility concepts.

  2. Styling Expert Vitor Gabriel started using CSS pre-processors like SCSS, SASS, and LESS

    Using SCSS, SASS, and LESS to organize and modularize CSS, improving scalability for large projects. Learned best practices for code organization, including the use of mixins, functions, and variables.

  3. jQuery Developer Vitor Gabriel used jQuery for DOM manipulation and dynamic interaction

    Using jQuery to simplify DOM manipulation, animations, and AJAX calls in small interactive projects, improving performance and user experience.

  4. React Developer Vitor Gabriel started using React.js to develop interactive user interfaces

    Creating dynamic and scalable applications with React.js. Using hooks, React Router for navigation, and Context API for state management. Also worked with frameworks like Vue.js and Angular on side projects.

  5. Version Control Vitor Gabriel improved his usage of version control tools like Git, GitHub, GitLab, and GitBucket

    Managing source code with Git, performing efficient and collaborative version control. Configuring repositories on GitHub, GitLab, and GitBucket, handling commits and pull requests following best practices.

  6. Package Manager Expert Vitor Gabriel started using npm and yarn for package management

    Implementing package management tools with npm and yarn to install, update, and manage dependencies in JavaScript and Node.js projects.

  7. Vitor Gabriel started as a Full Stack Developer intern at Clickweb
  8. API Developer Vitor Gabriel implemented RESTful APIs

    Developing RESTful APIs for system integration, using design best practices, JWT authentication, and input validation with Express.js.

  9. PHP Developer Vitor Gabriel started working with PHP and Laravel

    Developing web applications with PHP and Laravel, creating robust and scalable solutions using Eloquent ORM, middleware, and integrated authentication.

  10. Back-End Developer Vitor Gabriel started Back-End development with Node.js and Express.js

    Developing RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express.js, including JWT authentication, user management, and data persistence with MongoDB. Used PM2 for process management and implemented CI/CD pipelines.

  11. GraphQL & MongoDB Developer Vitor Gabriel implemented GraphQL for efficient queries and integrations with MongoDB

    Creating schemas and resolvers in GraphQL for efficient interactions with the database. Implementing complex queries, mutations, and aggregations in MongoDB, using Apollo Server to optimize communication between client and server.

  12. Vitor Gabriel was promoted to a Full Stack Junior Developer at Clickweb
  13. DevOps Tools Vitor Gabriel integrated CI/CD tools, Docker, and Kubernetes

    Implemented CI/CD pipelines for build, testing, and deployment automation. Used Docker for containerization and Kubernetes for orchestrating containers in production environments.

  14. Blockchain Developer Vitor Gabriel started studying and creating prototypes of Blockchain

    Exploring Blockchain concepts and creating smart contracts with Solidity and Ethereum. Developing DApps and integrating with decentralized networks, using cryptography and consensus technologies.

  15. DevOps Vitor Gabriel configured servers and hosting environments on DigitalOcean, AWS, Hostinger, and Hostgator

    Configuring Linux servers, optimizing performance, continuous deployment, and managing infrastructure using tools like SSH and Nginx.

What I Do?

Docker & Kubernetes

I work with containerization and orchestration using Docker and Kubernetes.

Linux Configuration
Linux Configuration

I configure and manage Linux servers to optimize performance and security.

P2P Network
Peer-to-Peer Networks

I build decentralized solutions using P2P protocols.

Web Development
Full Stack Development

I build responsive websites and apps.

Want to work with me?

Feel free to contact me and discuss any exciting opportunities.